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Sacrifices: Chapter 10 The Reunionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 12060 words) [10/10] show all parts

Author: Fluffy_Kat Picture in profile
Added: Jun 07 2017Views / Reads: 323 / 167 [52%]Part vote: 10.00 (6 votes)
It starts with our lovers in the middle of divorcing their spouses. Isabella moves across the country to avoid being hounded by the press. It is almost a year later when they finally have their reunion. Will the heat of their previous passion be renewed?

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Sacrifices: Chapter 10 The Reunion

It was a beautiful June day. The Atlantic kept the city comfortable with a gentle breeze tickling the tops of trees while the shadows of the high rise buildings beat back the sun's rays. After parking the car in a garage in Manhattan, Isabella Taylor took a cab to visit her lover Franco Vega at his artist's studio in Greenwich Village.

She had the cab driver drop her off on the corner in front of a bodega close to Franco's building. She went into the small corner store to buy the fixings for sandwiches since she had no idea what Franco had in his refrigerator and she was starving. She carried her bag down the block to his building. The door to the building was unlocked and she stepped into the vestibule with its bank of mail boxes on one wall and an ancient radiator on the other. A cracked mirror was on the wall above the radiator and she checked her appearance before starting the climb up the stairs to Franco's fifth floor apartment.

She almost didn't recognize herself. She wore a short blonde wig of loose curls. It gave her face a whole new dimension and she understood why her hairdresser kept encouraging her to cut her chin-length dark hair. She just couldn't imagine sleeping with curlers in her hair. The thought made her shudder with revulsion.

She entered the hallway of the building and started to climb the stairs. ...

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