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Becca and Michèle, chapter 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 5897 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: mcerotic
Added: Jul 01 2017Views / Reads: 1241 / 1030 [83%]Part vote: 9.56 (16 votes)
Becca is changing in the locker room at the Cirque when a guy walks in and catches her naked. Not that Becca minds being caught naked, she's not had a man since becoming Michèle's girlfriend.

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Becca slept late. She was dimly aware of Michèle's naked body slipping out from her arms, her soft breasts no longer pressed her own naked body. She was more than dimly aware that her asshole was throbbing from the pounding that her girlfriend had given her with Vlad. Impaling was an accurate word.

She had a rehearsal for a new routine that day at the Cirque training gym. After the rehearsal, Becca went to the women's locker room to shower. All the other girls who performed in that routine went to their own dorm rooms to shower. But Becca no longer lived in the dorm, she lived with Michèle, so she found herself alone in the locker room.

She peeled off the leotard that she wore for rehearsals, dropped her sports bra on top of it and slipped off her panties. Even when there were lots of girls around, nobody had much modesty. They all had great bodies and they knew it, so were unashamed to be half-naked in front of each other. But alone in the locker room, Becca didn't even bother to wrap a towel around herself.

Suddenly the door opened, and a guy came in, one of the other acrobats. Becca stood there, stark naked, unmoving as the man looked her up and down.


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