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The Fixer: Chapter 9this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 3475 words) [8/9] show all parts

Author: mcerotic
Added: Jul 23 2017Views / Reads: 1130 / 832 [74%]Part vote: 9.48 (25 votes)
Tamzin, Jenna and I just put on a show for my very special guests. Now we go back to the hotel for some time with just us three and no audience

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The three of us were silent until we'd got back to our room.

"Naked," I said. The girls were back in street clothes so they were respectable for the journey back, but now I wanted them unclothed. I slipped my own off.

"You can have a drink now," I said.

"Yes, please," Jenna said. "That was fucking intense."

I sat down on the edge of the bed. Jenna was now naked, except for her collar of course. I held out my arms. She came and sat on my knee. I put my arms around her and kissed her.

"You were good," I said. "You did as you were instructed."

"It took all my willpower. It hurt so much. But then...when you entered me...my body has never been like that. I have read stories where orgasms explode like fireworks and I always thought it was poetic license. My body exploded. More like a nuclear bomb than a firework, to be honest. I never knew I could do that, to feel that intensity of pleasure. It was like I'd been filled with...I don't know what a good word is...joy. I was filled with joy. Does that make any sense?"

"How do you feel now?" ...

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