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Ms Walker, Part 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3103 words) [3/5] show all parts

Author: JL Picture in profile
Added: Aug 04 2017Views / Reads: 1551 / 1286 [83%]Part vote: 9.37 (19 votes)
The horny principal wants to get in on the action. And of course she has a key to every room in the school.

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Principal Barbara Matthews pressed her ear against the classroom door. She heard moans and groans. "Do it . . . keep doing it . . . I'm cumming . . ."

She smiled.

Years ago she'd been a teacher too, and she remembered the temptations. All those young boys and girls. She'd fucked some of them. In the classroom, in her car, at home . . .

She remembered a student named Stephen. A 19-year-old runner with long, hard legs. Barbara was a student teacher, 22 years old, but she couldn't keep her eyes off his body. One day she saw him running by the side of the road in his tight shorts. She slowed down, opened her door, and offered him a ride.

They ended up naked in her apartment. Her roommates were gone. She laid back on her cheap dirty futon mat while Stephen drove his thick cock deep into her pussy, over and over again. So good. So good . . .

But this was different. She was the principal now. She unlocked the door and stalked into the room, her high-heeled shoes tapping on the floor. "Well, hello."

Tim was the first to look up, still spurting his cum into April Kane's ...

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