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Century City: Part 3 - The Pastor and the Lingerie Store Ownerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 9905 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Joshua
Added: Aug 08 2017Views / Reads: 478 / 292 [61%]Part vote: 9.83 (6 votes)
Pastor James commits a sin beyond his wildest dreams with the owner of the best lingerie store in Century City. Will is wife seek revenge?

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Pastor Will drove home in a deep funk. He'd allowed himself the pleasure of sin, had allowed a woman he did not know to suck his cock in the rear seat of her car. But his funk was the result of having done more than sinned: Pastor Will was sad because he'd wanted to sin even more. "I wanted to fuck her," he said to his empty vehicle as he slowly made his way down the quiet streets of Century City. Even now, his cock was growing hard again as he recalled the events that had led him to the mall, and how the anonymous woman had sucked his cock as no woman ever had before.

As hard as he tried, Pastor Will's cock would not die down. There's no use in me going home like this, he said to himself: Jenny will just ignore my needs again or admonish me for having sinful thoughts. He thought of his wife now, at home, probably with her sewing again, focusing on the needlecraft more than she did on her husband's natural and sexual desires. Driving slowly now, Pastor Will searched for some place he could go, some place where he might purchase something he could bring to Jenny to awaken her desires again, much as those same desires had been alive when the young minister and his wife married.

Jenny had been the beauty of the small college she and Will attended many years ago. Now in her early sixties, Jenny still retained the same core beauty she'd always had, but over time, and unlike many other women her age, she'd somehow become even more beautiful. Like a fine wine that ages well, Jenny had yet to show the effects of aging. Very ...

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