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The Bad Boy 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 1649 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: OldGuyFL Picture in profile
Added: Aug 20 2017Views / Reads: 901 / 665 [74%]Part vote: 9.38 (8 votes)
Jake comes back with a friend and they show Carrie what DP means and turn her husband into a cuckold.

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The Bad Boy - 2

I was standing at my kitchen sink when I heard the roar of motorcycles. My heart skipped several beats. I hurried to a window looking out on the driveway to see two cycles, it was Jake and a black man.

What could I do, I was dressed only in a short robe. Why the robe? I had been in our bedroom masturbating, thinking about Jake's big cock. It had been two weeks since he had taken me, well in all honesty since "we fucked each other." My husband had tried to screw me last weekend but for some reason he came as soon as he entered me so now I was super horny.

There was a knock on the door, I opened it to find Jake and the other man standing there. Their eyes ran up and down my robe.

"I see you are ready for us Carrie," Jake said.

They barged in, closed the door and Jake grabbed my arm and walked me to the middle of the living room. Then he spun me around and pulled the robe off, taking hold of my arms, he pulled my back against him which made my breasts jut out, matching my fully extended nipples.

"See Ray, I told you she had a body made for fucking."


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