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Everyone’s a winner: 4> Everyone’s a winner this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 4710 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Aug 24 2017Views / Reads: 749 / 576 [77%]Story vote: 9.12 (8 votes)
In an attempt to improve the failing performance of the college’s basketball team and in fear of losing her job, Fiona Edwards, who also tutors Business studies, made them an offer, one that was rash by any standard; other than that of Tnuckcid college.

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Story outline: In an attempt to improve the failing performance of the college's basketball team and in fear of losing her job, Fiona Edwards, who also tutors Business studies, made them an offer, one that was rash by any standard; other than that of Tnuckcid college.

Although Principal Rogers had hired Fiona Edwards, a basketball coach and Business studies tutor at the start of the second term, it wasn't until the events described below, a warm sunny evening in May, that something of note occurred, something that qualified her as a Bad teacher and all round slut.

The indoor athletics gym, once the apparatus that could be moved had been temporarily consigned to the exercise gym, was easily converted to a basketball arena with retractable seating. On the evening in question, Tnuckcid college's basketball team were two games away from winning a trophy. That, in itself, was in complete contrast to their lack-lustre performances during most of the previous term, which was when Amy hired Fiona.

To say they were a bunch of losers was accurate. They managed to lose every game they played, albeit by a slender margin of 3 points or less. Since then, however, and what with each game during the cup run being a winner takes all, they had somehow found the spirit and will to go that extra play and score.


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