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Wildlifethis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 3109 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Joyce Picture in profile
Added: Aug 28 2017Views / Reads: 935 / 682 [73%]Part vote: 9.29 (7 votes)
A young couple help me get revenge on my cheating husband.

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An unusual set of circumstances led me to a really good time a few nights ago. Earlier in the year, I found out my husband Scott had been having an office fling. It wasn't even the secretary, who's only a couple years younger than me. It was his boss's 20-year-old daughter. To add insult to injury, when his boss found out, instead of firing him, he congratulated him. This was after years of trying to get me to have a threesome with another woman. My regular job is teaching high school biology. My particular interest is ecological systems. I'd worked as a ranger at a state park the past few summers, and the other piece of the puzzle is that this year I've taken advantage of an opening where you actually live in the park. It means that I'm only home one weekend or two a month, so I don't have to look at the rat bastard for most of my day.

In the daytime, my duties include running the video equipment and bringing out animals for people to hold at the visitors' center. It's mostly kids, but occasionally I meet adults who share my interest in animals. This has been a particularly hot summer, so we're all glad the center is air-conditioned. At night, I do slide shows and such in the campgrounds.

At one of the movie showings, I saw a family with three kids go in and take up the front bench. A young couple sat in the back; the girl couldn't have been more than nineteen. My husband may be a rat bastard, but after two months without sex, even his wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am ...

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