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Neighbor Was Lonely and Hornythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2092 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Sep 10 2017Views / Reads: 1885 / 1556 [83%]Story vote: 9.23 (26 votes)
While attending a wake, I chat with a neighbor who had separated from her husband and decide to take her out for a bite to eat...

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About a month and a half ago, a good friend of mine unfortunately lost his mother after a long battle with cancer. As any friend would do, I stood by his side and helped him with whatever he needed. He finalized all the services and a few days after she passed, I got dressed and headed to the funeral home for her wake. Thankfully, it wasn't a overall somber experience as everyone was going to miss her, but were happy and relieved that she was no longer suffering because she had been fighting the cancer on and off for the past 15 years.

After arriving at the funeral home and doing my thing, I made my way around and began to chat with a few people that I recognized. Eventually, I got thirsty and went out to the hallway to get a bottle of water from a table that was set up out there. As I was drinking the water, I looked towards the entrance of the place and saw someone walking in and didn't immediately recognize her but after a second, I knew who she was. I did a double take and realized that it was a neighbor who lived across the street from me. She was wearing a black skirt that stopped just above her knees, along with a white button up blouse. I had never seen her dress this way and she definitely looked good, especially for being in a funeral home. She was in her late 40s and looked pretty amazing for a woman who had given birth three kids. About three years ago, she had separated from her husband who was a pretty big ass hole. Since then, she had focused on her career and taking care of her kid's. They were all grown up and the youngest daughter had recently left for college, while her two boys had both ...

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