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‘TGIF!’ this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 7974 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Sep 21 2017Views / Reads: 2066 / 1593 [77%]Story vote: 9.56 (9 votes)
TGIF! (Thank God It’s Friday) ‘Another week’s work over, time to unwind and hit some clubs,’ Julie said to herself. Let’s face it, she, and everyone else who work 9 to 5, Monday to Friday, deserved it.

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Story outline: TGIF! (Thank God It's Friday) ‘Another week's work over, time to unwind and hit some clubs,' Julie said to herself. Let's face it, she, and everyone else who work 9 to 5, Monday to Friday, deserved it.

Logging off my PC, I'm a finance executive for a well to do company, I made sure that it was properly shut down before I headed off to my locker to get the change of clothes I had brought for tonight; that well to do, and we also have a shower area with three cubicles in it. However, as you can well imagine, what with 15 other female members of staff, there's as much a queue for those as there could be for the toilets in a nightclub. Thankfully, my boss, who I'm on intimate terms with, lets me use his one, which is quite plush. Each time I use it, I can't help but recall the sexy time we had in it, but enough about that.

I'm Julie. 23 years young. 5' 8" in height, with long slender legs, shoulder-length auburn hair and blue eyes; the type that are easy to get lost in.

Removing my work clothes - I don't have a dryer - I covered my hair with a shower cap before I set about taking a quick shower; lathering up the sponge and washing the sweat from my body, it being early August in London (not saying exactly where) and a muggy day at that.


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