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A New Slut Visits, part 5this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 4309 words) [5/5] show all parts

Author: dirty geezer
Added: Sep 28 2017Views / Reads: 586 / 384 [66%]Part vote: 9.83 (6 votes)
After a little rest, submissive slut Jenna is used in a 11 man gang bang which her master has arranged for her. (gang bang, cum, anal, WS)

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NOTE: Please do read parts 1-4 first, which will explain the set-up here (it won't make much sense else!). My stories are raw/full on - based on the fantasies of myself and some of the submissive sexual women I know.

Jenna awoke from a fitful sleep of unknown duration, she couldn't tell what time it was as her room was grim and didn't contain any timepieces. She felt rested at least, her body a little refreshed after its efforts. God she stank of stale piss and cum she thought to herself, noticing it for the first time. That just made her horny and wet again, which made her feel such a nasty skank, which just fuelled her libido even more, in an endless cycle. She had long ago realised her dark sexual desires took her far from vanilla sex, and she craved the dirty feeling of being humiliated and used; to give herself completely to someone else's control, someone who had a nasty imagination. There was something extremely liberating about giving up all decision making, all control, trusting someone else to use her body as their toy. Looking around the room, she spied her small pile of allowed possessions and decided she better retouch her lipstick. As she was doing so, she heard the door open and guessed correctly that she had been watched on screen.

"Good morning my slut. I hope you slept well?" I asked her, the acrid smell of the filth making my nose twitch.


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