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the Sex therapist this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5418 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Sep 28 2017Views / Reads: 1061 / 789 [74%]Story vote: 9.56 (9 votes)
Having had her ‘nymph fever’ diagnosed as a sexual problem, Amber Meadows was referred to Dr Carter, a sexual therapist. Concerned that he was taking too personal an interest with his questions, she decided to be quite the tease at their next session.

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Story outline: Having had her ‘nymph fever' diagnosed as a sexual problem, Amber Meadows was referred to Dr Carter, a sexual therapist. Concerned that he was taking too personal an interest with his questions, she decided to be quite the tease at their next session.

Author's note: Although the events described by Amber Meadows are related to her sex therapist, quotation marks relate to direct exchanges between Amber and Dr Carter and the other characters.

I certainly wouldn't class myself as some sort of nymphomaniac, even though I love sex. For one thing, I'm not one of those women who go out looking to get laid on a regular basis; weekends mostly. No, for me, and this might seem strange, I have a different craving, one that creeps up on me and fills my gut with a need to engage in the most perverse, some might say, sex I can possibly find and always with a group of men.

After my husband came home to find me fucking the men who had been hired to build the extension on our house, my divorce solicitor had my problem diagnosed as something called ‘Nymph fever', as if that really mattered to me.

The divorce was granted, nonetheless. Thankfully, though, and because of my solicitor's help and recommendation, it was amicable. I got back what I had invested from the sale of my flat. All the same, it was ...

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