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How very rude!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 8419 words)

Author: Lyn Picture in profile
Added: Sep 30 2017Views / Reads: 2309 / 1672 [72%]Story vote: 9.81 (27 votes)
There was a man called (We shall call him) Robert Cakewell, which is near enough, and he was married to Linda, she was a lot younger than he was. He looked like Robert Mitchum. He often had parties, and those in the know whispered about these parties

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1992 or so.

At the Comms company I used to work for, there was a large social group, and much disposable income which was mostly exchanged for booze.

There was a man called (We shall call him) Robert Cakewell, which is near enough, and he was married to Linda, she was a lot younger than he was. He looked like Robert Mitchum. He often had parties, and those in the know whispered about these parties, in corners.

They would apparently start innocuously enough, but for those who stayed the course, late into the night, they would degenerate, via a little gentle wife swpping, into full scale orgies.

The guests were said to be not the most attractive people you've ever seen, but they never ARE in my experience at that kind of thing.

Which is a shame.

I find they are usually all a bit skanky looking.

You know, seedy.

Like you.


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