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The Salon - After closingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 2896 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Kyrie
Added: Oct 05 2017Views / Reads: 894 / 648 [72%]Part vote: 9.87 (15 votes)
My new hairstylist, Jimmy, gives me all the attention I had been craving when I meet him for a drink after his shift.

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I walked out into the street from the Salon a little flustered. Yet again Jimmy had seriously turned me on while he styled my hair. He was managing to make a habit of it, and I couldn't imagine ever wanting anyone else to cut my hair. I wondered whether he was this much of a flirt with every client...

While I waited for Jimmy's shift to finish, I decided to head back to my office rather than go home. When Jimmy asked me to phone him, I wasn't sure if that meant he wanted to try to meet up tonight or some other time. In case it was tonight, I decided I should try to freshen up a little -after all, I'd been at work all day.

I walked over to the pharmacy and purchased some body wash and a toothbrush. I also bought a 3 pack of condoms - just in case. My building has showers in the basement of the building for those who choose to cycle or run into the office, and since I kept a towel at my desk - a quick shower was not beyond the realm of possibilities.

Heading down to the basement, I realised that most people would just be packing up to head home at this time of day - not deciding to freshen up to meet a rather sexy hairstylist! I did feel a bit naughty using the work showers in preparation of what might come. Still a shower is a shower...

I was very careful to not let the water touch my hair. I was sure Jimmy ...

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