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The Magnificent Splendor of a Rainthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4581 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: Little tommy D.
Added: Oct 06 2017Views / Reads: 719 / 446 [62%]Part vote: 9.75 (12 votes)
Todd's Dad is appointed to a new Court. Todd and Marky travel to New Orleans to celebrate. It was a shocking end to the celebration.

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The Magnificent Splendor of a Rain

The hubbub of Todd's Summa Cum Laude graduation from Tulane Law School was beginning to settle into more of a yesterday thought than a continuation of the party. He received an offer to clerk for a Supreme Court Justice and was most excited at the prospect of working at the Court in D. C. However, he had to weigh that year against the offer he received from one of the largest law firms in Texas with a starting salary that boggled his mind. He also knew his Dad's position and popularity had more to do with the offer than his accomplishments at Tulane. Yet those accomplishments were a standout from every aspect. The offer from the Texas firm wasn't the only one he had on his plate. There we several from Louisiana firms. Two from Alabama piled on top of two from Florida and four from Georgia. His Dad refused to comment. It was Todd's decision and his alone (except Marky had a few suggestions for him.) He had yet to make the critical call.

The Appeals Court was in session in New Orleans. He hadn't spoken with his Dad. Dad told him to take his time, stay at home, and decide his future. That was what he was doing alone at home. Marky called on occasion and when his cell rang, he saw her picture pop up on the screen. He grabbed the phone and said, "No, I don't have an answer yet. I'm still flipping Doubloons to chart how the odds are flowing. "

She giggled and answered, "Maybe if you ate one of the rib eyes I intend ...

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