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Erotic fantasies: 1> Drilled by the drill sergeant this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3826 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Oct 19 2017Views / Reads: 2088 / 1527 [73%]Story vote: 9.43 (7 votes)
Raven haired, no-nonsense, Drill sergeant Amber Fox, puts four gangly recruits through the rough and tough disciplined regime of her weekend boot camp. Will they shape up or wimp out?

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Story outline: Raven haired, no-nonsense, Drill sergeant Amber Fox, puts four gangly recruits through the rough and tough disciplined regime of her weekend boot camp. Will they shape up or wimp out?

Author's note:

Although I have an ongoing collection of generously priced themed e-books on Amazon entitled: ‘Erotic fantasies & stories', the collections feature re-edits of my stories that are available to read on Erotic Stories. For this series of themed stories, I have concentrated on fantasy situations, as will be noted from this first offering. A female drill sergeant in a boot camp setting and with just four men to drill. Of course, they all get to drill her in the end.

Gazing out of her kitchen window, far from Amber's attention taking in the colourful splendour of her garden, it was focussed on the four gangly men. All of them stood still and waiting in the hot summer sunshine and each of them dressed only in a pair of shorts, underwear, socks and trainers.

They were far from the physique of the men who usually attended her weekend boot camp for one of her rough and tough no-fuss drill regimes. Big muscular men are what she was used to, each one up to the tasks she set them.


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