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Scarsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3997 words)

Author: Silent Bob
Added: Oct 26 2017Views / Reads: 849 / 537 [63%]Story vote: 9.14 (7 votes)
Scars just tell you that you healed...mine had, hers hadn't.

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You ever have deep-seated problems that you just have to go and break through the surface to finally get the healing over with? You don't? Oh well I guess I don't either. Then again the idea of revenge and the idea that you can go off and stab someone deep into their soul that it breaks them forever, is appealing. Hey, scars heal.

See, I have two talents I'm reluctant to use. The first talent is that with just a few words I can point out a problem that will appear within a newly formed relationship. This problem is the problem that will break up the two people. The second is I know just what to say that it will cause you to hate me forever...because it's simply the truth.

Let me go and explain just why I'm in the present situation I'm in. What situation am I in? A staring contest at the bar in the Hotel Monaco in New Orleans, and it isn't Mardi Gras season. This is the same hotel that me and the woman I'm having this staring contest with, Acacia, were intimate for the first time. This is also the first times communicating with each other since she started to lie about important things that were going on in her life, and I hate to be lied too.

That one thing was her now ex boyfriend. I pointed out how it would fail, and once again I was right. Yet I didn't do it so she would come running back to me. In her case it was because being in control would bore her if it happened all the time. She would get bored with the worship that he was providing. He would just be a minion, as I liked to ...

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