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Perfect Timingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2261 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Nov 11 2017Views / Reads: 3666 / 2979 [81%]Story vote: 9.30 (20 votes)
After finally succumbing to my bosses advances and fucking him for money, he comes to me with a offer I cant resist...

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A little over two years ago, I got myself involved and a situation that most people would look at and say was completely wrong and that I shouldn't be doing it. I had been one of the only female employees in my company who hadn't succumbed to the charms of the owner and I had prided myself on that. I knew a few of the other girls had done their thing with him but at the time I held my head high and wasn't interested. Things were like that for a while until everything changed one day. He had taken me on a business convention with him and while we were out to dinner one evening we began to discuss different things and he asked me how things were at home. At the time, I had just given birth to my son and my husband's job was very slow. We were barely getting by and I mentioned that to my boss. That led to him offering me some financial help with a bit of a catch and after a few drinks, I found myself on my knees in his limo with his cock in my mouth. I wasn't very proud of myself, but I looked at it as a situation where I was trying to earn money to benefit my family. I ended up spending the majority of that week at the convention with my boss, and then back in a hotel room doing things that I never imagined I would do. From there, he gave me a significant raise and in turn, I continued to fuck him on a regular basis. I was disgusted with myself but at the same time I was doing what I had to do in order to make the extra money. He didn't mind paying and I ended up profiting largely from it. Over the last two years, things have changed a lot and I am happy to say that my financial issues are much better today. My son is growing up and we even managed buy a bigger home. Of course, I continue to do things with ...

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