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Bad Teachers (2nd term) Chapter 1: Anti-social call-outthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 1591 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Jan 04 2018Views / Reads: 2092 / 1466 [70%]Story vote: 9.30 (10 votes)
Welcome one and all, to the second term at ‘Tnuckcid college’ (to realise the irony, read the college’s name backwards – starting with the letter ‘d’). An educational institute where the female tutors are outrageously bad! And slutty with it.

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Story outline: Welcome one and all, to the second term at ‘Tnuckcid college' (to realise the irony, read the college's name backwards - starting with the letter ‘d'). An educational institute where the female tutors are outrageously bad! And slutty with it.

For those among you who didn't read the e-book: ‘Bad Teachers', there now follows a brief introduction to the tutors of Tnuckcid college who featured in the ‘first term', most of who appear in this second term helping along with several new tutors.

Principal Amy Rogers: In addition to turning around a failing college, one that has won the Inter college cup for football, four years in a row, she regularly holds orgy-type parties throughout the year for fellow tutors and invited male students. Sadly, all her cuckold husband, Nathan, can do is watch; that being his penance for being caught with cheerleader Mandy Waters.

Amy's deputy, Samantha Jones, tutors English. She is married to David. Sam left him behind last summer rather than cancel their planned holiday where she enjoyed the attention of several men on numerous occasions. She has yet to be invited to one of Amy's parties and, as will shortly be seen, for good reason.

Debra Stone is Tnuckcid college's young football coach and psychology tutor. She is also married. When it comes to sex, she enjoys being ...

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