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Bad Teachers (2nd term) chapter 5: Bring me heat this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 6150 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Feb 01 2018Views / Reads: 612 / 408 [67%]Story vote: 9.50 (8 votes)
It was a cold morning in mid February. Having come in early, as usual, Principal Rogers discovered that the heating system wasn’t working… NB. A full-length story outline precedes this chapter’s text.

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Story outline: It was a cold morning in mid February. Having come in early, as usual, Principal Rogers discovered that the heating system wasn't working. With no other option but to close the college for the day - Amy having called the engineers - it was not long until Tnuckcid college and the Principal were warmed up by them.

Author's note: [For anyone who missed the previous chapters]

In order to avoid an overkill of sex/eroticism in this engrossing 9 chapter novel, additional erotic encounters to that of the main one in each chapter may only be touched on or short. Therefore, and since what you are reading is a chapter from a book, please read each chapter all the way to the end, in order to fully appreciate this work of erotic literature. Thank you.

‘Brrr, it's cold,' Amy remarked to herself, as she trudged through the snow to her car. It was 8am, earlier than she was used to being up and taking the 15 minute drive to college. Two weeks ago, she had fired Richard, the college's janitor, having caught him stealing provisions. Still yet to find a replacement, Principal Rogers had taken over his early morning duties while hiring an additional cleaner. Amongst what she needed to do, were health and safety checks and turning on the heating to name just two.

With her car parked - thankfully, the snow had dissipated - she ...

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