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Emily In The Dark: Chapter Ninethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3206 words) [10/14] show all parts

Author: Reltney McFee
Added: Feb 04 2018Views / Reads: 492 / 290 [59%]Part vote: 9.00 (10 votes)
Do you remember where you were when all the lights went out? Were you home? If not, how did you get home? Who accompanied you on your journey? How did they show their gratitude? (see the synopsis, should you decide to deprive yourself of the joy of read

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We turned south and east, paralleling the river. When we kept 20 to 50 meters off of the bank, the going was not particularly muddy or swampy. We soon fell into a rhythm, me leading, Lucy in the middle, trailing about 30 feet, and Emily bringing up the rear, trailing Lucy by around another 30 feet. I wanted the women to have the time to go to ground, or veer off, should I stumble into some problem or another. That would also provide me with a "flanking element", who could maneuver on the sides of any troublemakers I encountered, so that, if we went to guns, well, our new acquaintances would find themselves in a crossfire.

All of which I devoutly hoped would be simply a thought experiment. I had had enough of shooting folks. Really, more than enough.

We came to, and crossed our first hurdle, Valley Road, uneventfully. The woods let us out in a stretch which was orchard either way, for several hundred meters. Emily and I executed our road crossing drill, and Lucy demonstrated that she had caught on quickly. She knew well the possible consequences of an unlucky encounter.

Another mile brought us to another road, and, fortunately, full dark. We paused for a while, just before our woods petered out, and looked around. There were two farm houses, one around 60 meters to our east, and the other on the order of 100 meters to the west. We had no trees ...

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