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Tattoothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2257 words)

Author: JL Picture in profile
Added: Feb 12 2018Views / Reads: 3099 / 2663 [86%]Story vote: 9.56 (25 votes)
A man and a woman on the beach admire each other's tattoos and start exploring each other's bodies. An older woman watches and joins in.

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"I like your tattoos."

Rose knew a pickup line when she heard it. At 22, she'd heard them all. But the day was hot, the beach was warm, and the guy didn't look that bad.

Plus, she'd broken up with her boyfriend last Wednesday, and she was horny.

"Okay." She gazed down at the guy. "Which tattoo?"

He sat up. A skinny guy in loose shorts, maybe her age. His chest was nicely muscular. He pointed. "That one. The one down your leg."

Rose smiled. A red coral snake tattoo curling up her thigh toward her pussy. "Yeah. That's my favorite. But look at this . . ."

She turned around and bent over. It wasn't a tramp stamp—but another snake, trailing down her spine straight into her ass.

"Nice." The guy smiled. "Is that a cobra?"

"I just like snakes." She straightened up. "They're so long and wriggly."


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