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Valentine Benefitsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 3063 words)

Author: Caress
Added: Mar 02 2018Views / Reads: 1599 / 1145 [72%]Story vote: 9.38 (21 votes)
When a young, horny neighbor girl finds her self with no boyfriend on Valentine's day, suddenly the old guy next door doesn't look too bad.

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Valentine Benefits By: Caress

Valentine Benefits.....

A woman moved into the apartment building with a younger sister who was a little naive, but very precocious. Although she was probably in her early 20's, she looked and acted much younger, but I found her very engaging.

She didn't have any friends in the area yet, so she'd hang out with me while I worked in the yard or the building. She loved to talk and tell me about her girlfriends in her hometown. They were on the Internet all the time and seemed to be totally absorbed with sex.

She was very touchy, feely with me and if I invited her in to watch cable, she'd always plop right next to me or sit on my lap. I didn't mind, as I didn't have much social contact either.

We would often wrestle around and my hand would "accidentally" rub across her breasts and nipples very fleetingly.

She was very flirtatious and seemed to have a Daddy crush on me. She always had a sensual manner about her and gave me that "come heather" look.


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