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An Exercise in Perspectivethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:cuckold, 4420 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: ThePiggy
Added: Mar 19 2018Views / Reads: 1398 / 1006 [72%]Part vote: 9.00 (10 votes)
My wife's version of the events differ slightly from mine.

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Carole couldn't believe her good fortune. She'd listened intently as her drunk husband confessed that his biggest fantasy was to watch her have sex with another man. She'd never imagined he'd want to see that but she wasn't about to let the opportunity slip through her fingertips.

They had been married for 24 years and she'd been faithful for the first 23. She had only had one indiscretion but it had awakened something inside her and ever since she'd had an insatiable hunger for new cock.

She straddled her husband's waist and gyrated her hips as she gazed down into his pretty blue eyes. Her husband was a good looking man with a nice body and a sexy smile. He had a decent cock and she'd been very happy with it until her affair but the other man she'd slept with had been much bigger and she'd liked that a lot more. She'd never thought much about the size of a man's dick before her affair but she'd only had sex with two men in her life. One was her husband and the other was Trevor, whom she'd met at an all inclusive resort in Cancun.

She leaned forward and started to bounce. Her big natural breasts flailed wildly and she breathed deep and heavy. She could feel his dick hitting the right spot and her breathing quickened but so did his and before she could climax her husband erupted inside of her ending that part of the fun.

Carole let her husband's spent dick slide from her still needy hole and ...

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