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I was finishing up at work after all the kids had left for the day and was going over some permission slips for an upcoming class trip when I noticed there were a couple that hadn't been returned yet. I looked over the names of the students who hadn't returned their slips and one stood out to me. The kid's name was Anthony and the reason his name stood out to me was because his father who's name was also Anthony was very friendly with me. Throughout the school year, he made it a point to always stop and say hello whenever I walked the kids out to the schoolyard at the end of each day. He was always in a great mood and very friendly towards me. I always enjoyed my little chats with him and noticed that he paid a lot of attention to me. I didn't mind, as it was nice to be friendly with the other parents. He would often complement me and from time to time he would even playfully flirt and I enjoyed the attention. Things had gotten very stale at home and my husband and I had pretty much fallen into a routine. Hearing someone complement me made me feel good and I enjoyed it. We were both married so I wasn't really concerned with it leading to anything else, although he had mentioned on a few occasions that he would love to buy me a drink. I always kindly turned him down because I was either busy with work or had other things going on at home. I was definitely interested in going out for a drink, but the timing never worked out. As I looked over the permission slips, I realized that Anthony didn't live far from the school and I could easily drive past his house on my way home and get the slip signed. I thought about it and after taking care of a few things, I decided to stop by and see if he could sign the slip for me. ...
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