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Giving into temptation: 4> Clothing optional this story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 4383 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Mar 29 2018Views / Reads: 2096 / 1605 [77%]Story vote: 9.78 (9 votes)
Marie enjoys a week long holiday at Club Hedonism, where the temptation to sample black cock for the first time becomes almost unbearable.

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Story outline: Marie enjoys a week long holiday at Club Hedonism, where the temptation to sample black cock for the first time becomes almost unbearable.

Marie Edison gazed at the many offers that were showcased in the travel agent's window for over a minute. She needed to get away. It had been several years since her last holiday abroad. She decided, yes, it was time for a change from what she called stay-cation. Her boss had given her a week off in return for all her hard work and she had the money. She opened the door and walked into the travel agency.

A tall dark haired woman wearing a red and blue uniform and a white name badge with Tracy on it stepped forward to greet her. "Good afternoon. Is there something particular you are interested in?"

Marie smiled and nodded her head. Despite the offers she had perused in the window, and being in her mid-20's, so still young, she enquired about a place she had heard of from Nancy, a work colleague, and, like the resort, a free spirit.

"Do you have any vacancies for Club Hedonism?" Marie enquired.

"When were you thinking of going?" she asked, and then brought up the information on her computer screen.


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