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Filled by more: 6> Cucked by 5this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 4439 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 06 2018Views / Reads: 3305 / 2477 [75%]Story vote: 9.70 (10 votes)
Realising that her husband, Fred, is unable to fully satisfy her after sampling black dick at the office party, Anna persuades him to let her meet other men, mostly 1 or 2, for sex. Before too long, though, she craves more, on one occasion as many as 5.

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For your total reading pleasure and experience, the following well-written erotic story has been checked with Grammarly, a renowned on-line grammar and spell checker, while British English spelling has been used for all but one word (ass). Thank you, and enjoy reading this prolific author's latest offering and accordingly cast a vote for it at the end if you so wish.

Story outline: Realising that her husband, Fred, is unable to fully satisfy her after sampling black dick at the office party, Anna persuades him to let her meet other men, mostly 1 or 2, for sex. Before too long, though, she craves more, on one occasion as many as 5.

Although I truly do love my husband, Fred, his shrimp of a dick, all six small inches of it, no longer satisfies me. Up until the Christmas office party of three months ago, it was the only cock I had ever known. We live in London, England, where the age of consent is 16 years.

Fred was supposed to be at the party as well. When he phoned to say he couldn't make it because of extra work by his domineering boss, I had a few more drinks than I should have, to drown my sorrows, and found myself in the arms of Roland. He was one of several temps the office had hired to handle the extra work. He handled me exceptionally well. He comforted me at first as we slow danced. Pulling me ever more closer and whispering sweet words in my ear. I felt his long warm hard-on ...

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