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Nurse Sallythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 2516 words)

Author: Chrissie Bentley Picture in profile
Added: Jun 12 2018Views / Reads: 4344 / 3193 [74%]Story vote: 9.80 (35 votes)
Sex at Work... adultery... oral... this quick game of real life Doctors and Nurses has them all.

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Three questions.

First, if my shift ended three hours ago, why did I just park my car in the employees' lot?

Second, if I've been blissfully married for eighteen years, why am I kissing a man to whom I'd barely spoken until about twenty minutes ago?

And third, if I was only at the dentist's last week, and passed with flying colors, why am I about to get another, hopefully very thorough oral exam as soon as he's unlocked his office door?

I don't know. But I hope he's got a very long tongue depressor.

Actually, I do know. Because I want to suck his cock. Have been wanting to almost from the moment I saw him, swaggering through my department like he owned the place, trailing a scent I couldn't place, with a smile I couldn't resist, and looking at me with an expression I couldn't fathom.

Over and over again. For six months, we've been passing one another in corridors and consulting rooms; sometimes with a nod, occasionally with a "hello." But always with that look... the one that says "I know you want to," and then adds with a smirk, "and I want you to, too." ...

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