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Susanthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 4309 words)

Author: K. Lee Picture in profile
Added: Jul 09 2018Views / Reads: 5224 / 4472 [86%]Story vote: 9.71 (24 votes)
Susan's camping experience with Dan and Sara was extraordinary!

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Susan lay awake in her tent, listening to the night sounds. The tree frogs, the crickets, the occasional owl and whippoorwill all were making a symphony just for her. She smiled and took in a deep breath. She loved camping alone. Being out in the woods, by the lake, was just so relaxing and peaceful. She hated living in the city. Everybody was fake and drama oriented. She couldn't stand it. It made her sick. She figured that's why she had no real friends. She never went out. But out here, she felt she was home. She loved hiking through the woods. She really liked swimming in the lake.....skinny dipping. Weekends would see a few other campers up here, but during the week she was usually alone.

As she lay in her sleeping bag listening to the forest symphony, she reached down and touched herself. She closed her eyes as her finger played with her clit. She reached up with her other hand and began flicking and playing with one of her big nipples. She had a nice body, a little on the thick side, but she had nice curves. She often caught some of her coworkers (male and female) staring at her cleavage, since she had 40DD breasts and they just kind of popped right out there. She tried dating one of her coworkers, but he was all thumbs and couldn't really handle this much woman!

She played with her clit, and moved her fingers down across her sweet ...

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