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Cougar town: 4> the Cougar gets caught! this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 5040 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Aug 30 2018Views / Reads: 2810 / 2240 [80%]Story vote: 9.67 (6 votes)
Whether by designed intention or pure accident, Michelle Armstrong’s sexy young window cleaner catches the horny cougar stroking her pussy when he arrives to do her windows. Trouble is, he’s not alone.

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Story outline: Whether by designed intention or pure accident, Michelle Armstrong's sexy young window cleaner catches the horny cougar stroking her pussy when he arrives to do her windows. Trouble is, he's not alone.

For your total reading pleasure and experience, the following well-written erotic story has been checked with Grammarly, a renowned on-line grammar and spell checker, while British English spelling has been used for all but one word (ass). Thank you, and enjoy reading this prolific author's latest offering and accordingly cast a vote for it at the end if you so wish.

For a local window cleaner, Ted was young, handsome, cheeky and sexy. Above all else, though, he was the answer to the prays and needs of the many women who's windows he cleaned, except that he had only gone as far as flirting with them. That all changed, however, when he arrived at Michelle Armstrong's home and with Rich, short for Richard.

Ted was due to take a week's holiday come Monday, when his brother would be filling in for him, and so he brought Rich with him to introduce to his clients. What they both noticed when they went around the back to get some fresh water from Michelle, who's a bit of a cougar where young men such as the young brothers, just two years separating them, are concerned, made them stop and make a double take.


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