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The Librarian...The Story So Farthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 19435 words)

Author: mcerotic
Added: Sep 18 2018Views / Reads: 1516 / 1170 [77%]Story vote: 9.83 (6 votes)
This is a recap of a story I wrote but never finished. The story will pick up with new material tomorrow.

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I wrote this story months ago but never finished it before I got distracted by real life. There are now some new chapters. But the original ones are all in the archive and many people don't have access. So here is the story so far...

Some new material to wrap the story up coming soon.

Chapter 1: Supermarket

People who have never tried it have no idea how liberating it is to offer total obedience. I know that sounds contradictory. But a woman who has given up everything once, will never be satisfied with a normal relationship. I almost said a normal loving relationship. But nothing can be as loving as obedience. A virgin bride on her wedding night thinks she gives herself to her husband, but she has no idea what giving herself totally means. Total obedience means giving up all control of what happens to you sexually. Giving up all responsibility for your actions. Giving up your safety to someone you must trust will keep you safe.

Some people like the words master and slave, but I don't like those ...

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