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Thanking Him For The Projectthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3063 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Jan 11 2019Views / Reads: 3753 / 3154 [84%]Story vote: 9.39 (23 votes)
A classmate works on a project with me and does the brunt of the work. We go to dinner after to celebrate and I thank him ...

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This past September, I began taking night courses at a state college in order to earn a degree and be able to get a promotion at work. The company was paying for my classes so I didn't mind and since the school was only about a half hour away from my home, it wasn't a huge deal. It was a little tough at first, adjusting to the schedule because I worked during the day and took the classes three nights a week. I had a family so I had to learn to balance everything. One evening while in class, the teacher assigned group projects for us to work on. I was teamed up with a younger guy named Tony whom I had chatted with in the past during break times. We were to get together in class and work on the project, as well as working on it during our own times. I wasn't very enthusiastic about it because my schedule is already tight but had to do it because it would affect my grade.

Tony and I began to work on the project when we were in class and also exchanged information so that we could get together outside of class to work on it. We really only had time to do it on the weekend and that's when we would usually get together. As we began working on the project, we got to know each other and Tony told me all about his life. He was quite a bit younger than me, being 21, while I was in my late 30s. He was attending school and lived in the dorm because he was from Pennsylvania and it was way too far for him to commute on a regular basis. He hoped to get a degree in the teaching field, which was the feel that I worked in so he often asked me for advice. We worked on the project whenever we have the time, and from time to time I would help ...

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