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Beauty and the Beastthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 12671 words)

Author: Rhino
Added: Jan 15 2019Views / Reads: 5103 / 4244 [83%]Story vote: 9.65 (23 votes)
Allison enjoys an unexpected and unplanned encounter that starts her down the path of earning the lofty title of 'slut wife.' Please vote and comment. Thanks and enjoy!

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Beauty and the Beast

Prologue The sun dropped low in the evening sky and shadows lengthened over the softball field. Allison Haywood joined the group of neighborhood wives in the stands rooting for their husbands playing in a softball league game. She discovered that the Good Guys were behind by two runs with just one more inning to go. Her eyes scanned the field and located her husband Derrick, playing a shallow outfield position - the ‘rover'. He had tried to explain the position to her several times, but she had difficulty in grasping the concept of an extra fielder.

Allison settled in among the girls and shared a platter of nachos she purchased. She sipped on her giant soft drink as she watched Derrick gather a short fly ball and trot toward the dugout area with the last out of the top half of the inning. As their team, the "Good Guys" came up to bat they were intent on overcoming the two-run deficit. Rob Jordan led off with a single to left field. John Perry flied out to the rover in left-center. Jack Wallace popped out to third, and that brought Derrick Haywood to the plate. Naturally, Allison's attention focused on her husband. She was pleased that he hit the ball solidly into right-center, and alertly took second when the fielder threw to home plate to hold Rob Jordan on third. Everyone rooting for the Good Guys grew excited because Clyde Carver was next up with two men on. Clyde was a heavy hitter and everyone began chanting, "Beast, Beast, ...

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