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My First Timethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3074 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Feb 09 2019Views / Reads: 3090 / 2256 [73%]Story vote: 9.56 (16 votes)
Getting ready to go out for a drink with an old friend got me thinking about memories me and him made a while ago...

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As I am here sitting in front of my mirror, getting dressed to go out to dinner with an old friend, I couldn't help but reminisce on the good old days and everything that had happened back then. My husband recently reconnected with his old buddy, Michael and the three of us began hanging out once again, like we used to back in the day. We hadn't seen Mike in a good 12 or 13 years so it was nice to reconnect. Upon reconnecting and getting together a few times, Mike reached out and asked me if I wanted to grab lunch one day. I told him it sounded great and we made plans to go out a few days later. Now, as I am here getting dressed to go out for lunch with Mike, I couldn't help but think about where it all started. You see, I husband and I have been together for 17 years, and he's basically been my first for a lot of things, except for one. He thinks that he was the one to fuck me first, but that's not the case. I've never had the courage to tell him that he wasn't my first, because it would break his heart, if he knew who my first was. It's a secret that I felt were 17 years, and intend on holding for the rest of my life and of course, as you may have guessed, it involved Mike.

You see, Mike and my husband José, were best friends back in the day. They went to school together, graduated together and even got jobs at the same mechanical shop. They were pretty much inseparable back then. The only difference was that José, was rather shy, while Mike was quite the ladies man. When I started dating José, I was only his second girlfriend in his life while Michael was on his 20th by then. He never ...

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