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BRINGING BACK THE SPARK: CHAPTER 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 4460 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Hot Rider Picture in profile
Added: Mar 01 2019Views / Reads: 3265 / 2785 [85%]Part vote: 9.90 (39 votes)
Lisa and Craig get together with their friends again and things get hotter than ever.

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Craig and Lisa had lost the spark in their marriage. For the past couple of years their lives had settled into a deadly routine that was destroying their happiness. But now they were acting like newlyweds again. They had made love every night that week and even a couple of mornings before they had to leave for work. They couldn't keep their hands off each other and the kids even noticed that they were kissing and holding hands a lot. Craig and Lisa had never been happier.

It had all happened because of the afternoon they had spent with Lisa's best friend and her husband. Grace and Daniel had introduced them to something they had never thought they would even consider, swinging. Even though it hadn't been a full swap that day, Lisa and Craig had experienced a lot of things that were firsts for them as a couple: they had both been naked in front of other people, Lisa had sucked Craig's cock while people watched, they had fucked just inches from another couple while they were fucking too and last but not least, right in front of her husband Lisa had sex with a woman for the first time. The excitement and the taboo aspect of what they had done reignited the spark in their marriage. Their sex life had burst back into flame and was hotter than it had ever been before. They both recognized how close they had come to losing each other, but now they felt secure in their love again. They decided they wanted to explore this new lifestyle of which they had only had a taste. Grace was ...

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