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The Cabin of Lovethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 9760 words)

Author: Mr. X
Added: Mar 08 2019Views / Reads: 3846 / 2969 [77%]Story vote: 9.60 (15 votes)
Dave and Millie are nudists when at their little get away in the woods. When a newlywed couple, who got lost on their hike, seek shelter, Dave and Millie help them learn the ways of lovemaking

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Pulling up to the cabin, Millie and I were looking forward to our get away from the city. We had owned the cabin for ten years now. Buried deep in the woods, it was only accessible by 4x4. We spent as much time up here as we could since we retired a couple of years ago. Since we didn't have the kids to worry about, it had become our own little personal nudist colony. With temps expected in the mid to upper 80's, there would be little to no need for clothes. "I can't wait to get out of these." Millie exclaimed as she started to unbutton her dress. As she finished pulling the 5th button free, I could see that she had left the bra and panties at home. In fact, other than a few spare things in the cabin, in case of emergency, the only clothes we had brought were what we were wearing.

As I crossed the last little stream that separated us from the cabin, Millie pulled down the top of the dress. The large 38F cups sprung out. They weren't real. Millie had hated what the kids and time had done to her tits and had a lift and augmentation for her sixtieth birthday present. I would be lying to say I did not take advantage of the now pierced nipple breasts, but I would also be lying to say I did not miss the saggy natural tits she had.

We had let loose in our old age. At 67, we both had given up on societal norms. Millie had got new boobs, pierced her nipple and clit, and started modeling nude at for an art class at the local college. Hell, I had even let her try out some different cocks since ...

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