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Paybackthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:cuckold, 4950 words)

Author: Ditch Brown
Added: Mar 22 2019Views / Reads: 2516 / 2088 [83%]Story vote: 8.47 (15 votes)
A man finally gets caught cheating on his wife. Now the wife want's to word through the infidelity, but what she suggests may surprise him.

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When I got married, I never would have thought in a million years that I would cheat on my wife. Of course, I did, and not just once, I cheated many times. The first time I did, I felt guilty, but that guilt evaporated the more I cheated. It even got to the point where it became normal. On any given day I would ravage my lover, then come home and ask my wife about her day or any number of other usual things. In my way, I thought I found a solution for the stagnant sex life at home; until of course I got caught.

The day I got caught was easily the worst day of my life, at least up to that point. My wife had had suspicions for a while, and eventually, I got careless, and she saw me locked in a post-coital kiss while leaving a motel room. In hindsight, I am surprised she did not confront me there, but for some reason, she returned home and waited there to confront me.

The moment I walked in the door, I knew something was wrong and all the confidence I had from getting away with it for so long, vanished in a flash. I told myself I was being paranoid and acted as calm as I could. "Hey baby, how was your day?"

"I saw you today."

Maya's face looked as if it were etched in stone and her eyes were cold. Fear exploded in my stomach, but I still pretended nothing was wrong ...

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