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A night out with a co-workerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 5012 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Mr. X
Added: Mar 29 2019Views / Reads: 4788 / 3896 [81%]Part vote: 9.22 (18 votes)
Maxie is a happily married middle aged woman. When she decides to go out with her party girl co-worker for a night on the town near an university, she could never have known what she was going to get herself into.

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I hated to be away from home. I missed my husband, getting to lounge around and watch tv, and my bed, but work demanded me to travel from time to time. I was the CFO and was told by my boss to personally inspect the financials of a company we were about to buy. I was not alone though. The COO, Bethany, had come along to ensure operations were in line also.

Sitting in the conference room, I watched as men passed outside the glass walls, paying attention to Beth. I couldn't blame them. She was gorgeous. 5'10'', thin, large breasts and attractive. At 30, she was young enough to be my daughter, in fact, my daughter was only 3 years younger. I on the other hand was 55 years old, I was in shape, but a little frumpy, my breasts sagged and my hair was platinum due to age not coloring. "Maxie, I think I am going to cut out here in a few and go get a drink, do you want to go. I know a place that is great." Beth asked as she typed away on her computer.

Looking at the clock, it was 6pm. "I think I might just head back to the hotel. Its been a long day." I said. Beth was a known partier, maybe in my younger days I could hold my own with her, but now, now I just wanted a glass of wine and to sit on the bed in my hotel room and watch TV. Beth closed her lap top and looked over at me. "Max, can I be honest with you?" She inquired softly. I nodded my head. "The reason no one invites you out.. Well, its because you always say no. People think you do not like them." She started, "I mean, we have ...

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