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Twelve monthly check-upthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 7856 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Apr 04 2019Views / Reads: 2549 / 2306 [90%]Story vote: 9.20 (15 votes)
Having completed her thorough, routine check-up of Cedric Alan, a man in his late 40’s, he mentions the subject of a lump and the dull pain he occasionally feels, to Dr Sandra Jones’, who, despite its proximity, nerveless gives it her fullest attention.

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Story outline: Having completed her thorough, routine check-up of Cedric Alan, a man in his late 40's, he mentions the subject of a lump and the dull pain he occasionally feels, to Dr Sandra Jones', who, despite its proximity, nerveless gives it her fullest attention.

For your total reading pleasure and enjoyment, the following well-written, excellent erotic story has been checked with Grammarly, a renowned on-line grammar and spell checker (making it 99.95% error free, excluding the missing '.' after 'Mr'), while British English spelling has been used for all but one word (ass). Thank you, and enjoy reading this prolific author's latest offering, and accordingly cast a vote for it at the end if you so wish. (That being the only reward that author's get and look forward to receiving for their hard work.)

It was mid-June when Cedric Alan received the letter from the NHS (National Health Service), inviting him to book a yearly check-up. He was somewhat surprised, though, especially since his last one, having moved to the area only a year ago, was In November.

Deciding it wasn't of importance, Cedric put it with all the other such mail he received, only to, a week later, receive a phone call from a NHS representative who subsequently arranged an appointment over the phone for 4:30 the following Friday.

Managing to get the afternoon off work, Cedric, having changed into ...

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