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The Planthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5944 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Mr. X
Added: Apr 11 2019Views / Reads: 1512 / 1168 [77%]Part vote: 9.67 (12 votes)
Reconcillation comes with a price. Maxie has to give into Paul's demands if she wants to remain married and a plan for revenge is announced.

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I sat in my car, waiting for what I hoped to be forgiveness. It had been a month since my husband, Paul, had received the video of me getting gangbanged by three college guys. Beth had filmed it all, in the weeks that followed, she tried her best to make it up to me, begging for my forgiveness, trying to justify her actions by giving me a little excitement. She just did not get it. Nothing was worth the loss of my husband.

Word had gotten out that something had happened. Everyone knew Beth and I were friends, and now, I was not talking to her. Some had guess correctly, she had gotten me drunk and I fucked someone. It was not entirely false. I had got drunk, but there was also a part of me that loved that attention, loved being the center of the orgy. It had been an itch I did not know I had, and now it had been satisfied.

Sure, I thought about that night in brief moments of weakness over the past month. The huge black cock ripping my hairy wet cunt apart. Filling me with his seed. The other massive dick sliding in and out of me, my ass, my pussy, my mouth... it made me wet thinking about it. I even thought about the tiny pencil dick that had entered my virgin ass and stimulated pleasure centers I had not known existed. It was both a shame and joy that I would never dare attempt again, not if I could save my marriage.

As I sat there, I picked up my phone and read Paul's message again. I ...

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