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What I Did Last Summerthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:anal sex, 3744 words)

Author: Larry Malone
Added: May 13 2019Views / Reads: 776 / 482 [62%]Story vote: 9.67 (6 votes)
As a college fraternity "service provider" I was offered the opportunity to be employed by an older fraternity brother as a summer service provider.

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What I Did Last Summer by Larry Malone

I'm glad I'm not still in grade school where I had to write that hackneyed titled essay, I wonder if I would get a passing grade on this.....

It was early May near the end of my college Sophomore year when I found a note on my fraternity room door message clip. “Please see me when you get back.” It was signed by Jason the fraternity's chapter president. I dropped off my stuff in my room and went down to his office on the first floor. He happily greeted me and immediately asked me what I was going to do during the summer when college ended in a couple of weeks.

I hadn't thought about it but I told him I assumed I would go back home, to Kansas and work on the family farm like always. He surprised me by saying, “How would you like to stay here in the city at a penthouse and work as a “condo caretaker for the summer and get paid for it?” I told him it sounded tempting and to give me some more details.

Jason told me that every year for as long as he knew and heard, a fraternity brother, now a renown surgeon at a New York City hospital hired one of the fraternity brothers to take care of his city residence when he and his family spent the summer out east in the Hamptons on Long Island. All during the summer he would come into town periodically to attend to business and some patients or emergency cases but the ...

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