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Samanthathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2311 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: mcerotic
Added: May 13 2019Views / Reads: 4554 / 3892 [85%]Part vote: 9.62 (24 votes)
My husband is a sales manager. We have a naughty hobby. We like to fuck the wives of his salesmen.

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Most of my stories recently have grown out of control until they are 40,000 word monsters. This one should be tamer.

My husband Charlie is a sales-manager at a big company. Many of the salesmen that work for him have beautiful wives. I know it's not good behavior, but we like to fuck the beautiful wives.

It starts when the salesman is being recruited. Charlie always invites him to dinner with his wife, and I go along too. It's partially above board since women can often sense things that a man misses. I've pointed out several times when Charlie was about to make a mistake.

But during dinner it's my job to try and start the seduction. It's my job to get her panties off for my husband. Of course, it doesn't happen that first evening. Sometimes it takes persistence, other times it is easy. You know how different women can be. Especially given that I'm a woman, and I'm seducing a straight woman, often trying to get her into bed for the first experience with handling female anatomy. Then later, when I get bored with having her to myself, I get Charlie to send her husband out of town on a business trip, and I bring her to spend the night with us. ...

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