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The Runesmith Chronicles 8this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 5912 words) [8/25] show all parts

Author: BluDraygn Picture in profile
Added: May 27 2019Views / Reads: 863 / 506 [59%]Part vote: 9.91 (11 votes)
A young farmer meets a mythical blue woman called an Oni who helps him save his mother and begins to teach him the ways of magic, setting him on the path to become a Runesmith

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Twitter: @BDraygn


Edited by: Old Fart


Kal looked down, "Why is it still hard? I haven't been thinking about anything to keep it that way."

Aradelle shrugged, looking embarrassed, while Ikuno's brow furrowed in thought. "Perhaps there's more to ‘Dell's aphrodisiac than just making men mad with lust," suggested the oni. "There may be something else in the dust that makes a man hard for a time as well, whether he wants to be or not."

Aradelle looked at Kal, "I don't know, my dust has always worked, so this has never happened before."

Kal wrapped a hand around his prick for a moment before quickly pulling it away, "Damn, that's sensitive, I feel like I could cum in just a couple of strokes. Is there any way to make it stop? If I get super sensitive afterwards, like usual, this could get painful for me really quick." Kal looked at Aradelle, "I'd rather enjoy our time together ...

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