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THE PREACHER'S WIFEthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 7184 words)

Author: Hot Rider Picture in profile
Added: Jul 28 2019Views / Reads: 6260 / 5314 [85%]Story vote: 9.73 (56 votes)
A middle aged preacher's wife discovers true satisfaction with a college student.

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While he was in high school, Luke discovered that church was a great place to meet girls. He was surprised at how easy it was to get these innocent, teenaged church girls in bed. In three years he went out with several and they were usually having sex with him by the end of the second date. Now he was in college and met a lot of hot coeds, but churches were still his favorite place to meet women.

The church he was attending was in the college town where he went to school. During the first semester he dated three girls he met at that church and had sex with all of them. Gossip spread to the other women in the church that he had a big cock and knew how to use it. He started to quietly get a lot of attention from women in the church and community. They weren't just high school or college girls either. Women in their late twenties and early thirties were flirting with him and some of them were even married. The more women he fucked the more his reputation as a great lover grew. Luke had all of the pussy he could handle.

The church hired a new pastor and on Sunday after church the ladies of the congregation had a big dinner to welcome him and his wife. When Luke was introduced to them, he immediately got hard when he met the pastor's wife. Angela was almost as tall as he was, her face striking rather than beautiful with high cheek bones, smooth skin and a firm ...

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