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A Steady Safe Supplythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4289 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Littletommyd Picture in profile
Added: Aug 01 2019Views / Reads: 3633 / 3008 [83%]Part vote: 9.74 (19 votes)
The new Manager discovers the wives of his staff will provide his with a steady safe supply of pussy.

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A Steady Safe Supply

Up front I'll confess to being Thomas Cannon, a recent transferee to New Orleans. In taking over the operation of the company's operation in the state of Louisiana, I knew I faced two urgent hurdles—the first, and likely the easiest, was getting to know the new city of my residence and then my second challenge, and the most difficult, would be to inspire my staff of six producers to increase their territorial sales. The second hurdle was entirely my challenge, my responsibility and the securing of my future. It's a worthwhile project for me to grab by the balls and bring to a powerful climax.

The staff I inherited was all top-notch producers with excellent records and more than satisfactory production. However, the production had been static for the last three years. Not one of the six had exceeded a one percent increase in their territory sales efforts. Demographic studies as well as deep economic analysis had proven that the potential was there—it just wasn't being pursued in depth by the staff. I intended to spur their efforts so that they would aggressively dig deeper and capitalize on the sales being left on the tables around the State.

I had reserved a room at the excellent ‘Seafood Capitol' restaurant on Royal Street in the French Quarter. I was going to host a welcome party for myself with the staff and their spouses in an attempt to establish a closer and friendlier relationship. Saturday evening would test my ...

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