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Confessions of a Slutty female office worker: 4> Office ménagethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 4548 words)

Author: lisa1212 Picture in profile
Added: Oct 09 2019Views / Reads: 3604 / 3099 [86%]Story vote: 9.81 (21 votes)
It was the evening of the Christmas office party. My superior, Michelle Strong, rather than enjoying the celebration, was still working hard, or so I thought, when I went to see if I could help. I helped, alright, only it wasn’t with office work per se.

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Copyright October 2019

It was the Friday before Christmas. My first ever office party all but a few hours away. I was so looking forward to it while in no way expecting anything sexual to come of it, despite the few trysts I had enjoyed the past two months.

If I had to pick one as the most memorable of them, it would have to be the one I enjoyed in the copy room. It was moderately short yet highly intense with it. I got to enjoy quite a bit of Malcolm's attention before he eventually laid his big long black dick to me. Superb.

My superior, Mrs. Michelle Strong, the woman I was relying on for a glowing reference to those who decided which of the temporary staff would be given a full-time position, was quite impressed with my work and the tasks she had so far set me.

When I took the last of the afternoon's work to her office, she looked it over with a warm smile, saying, "You've done quite well, Miss Adams, Lisa. If you are kept on I can see a bright future for you. Now. Work's over until next Thursday. Time to get ready for your first Christmas party," she said, emitting a joyful smile.

"Thank you. What about you?" I rejoined, concernedly, noticing a small stack of files on her desk. ...

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