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How I became a slut!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4013 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: La. Milu
Added: Oct 24 2019Views / Reads: 3181 / 2166 [68%]Part vote: 9.41 (22 votes)
A young woman gradually becomes a slut. The story starts in the eighties.

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My father was a director at a major bank in Germany. In the meantime, he has retired. I suppose that my way of being a slut today was in the origin a kind of insurrection against my father. It's amazing that I'm even proud of it and don't feel anything bad about it.

As a young girl, I was nice and followed all the rules to the letter and never did anything forbidden. At the age of 18, in 1985, I had enough of bourgeois life and became a punk woman. I don't know if this tells you anything. So I try to explain it briefly. My black hair stretched to the sky and the sides were shaved. In the ears and in the nose I had safety pins thus the precursors of today's piercings. My outfit was mostly leather trousers and a jacket with big rivets.

Unfortunately, I was at school only mediocre, except in arithmetic, where I was brilliant. My poor school performance disappointed my father immeasurably. He had imagined an academic career for me - fame and honor or something like that. I received tutoring in various subjects, but it was of practically no use. I finished my compulsory education with just a pass. Then I started an apprenticeship as a motor mechanic in a medium-sized garage.

Maybe I should describe myself briefly before the author does. By repeating classes I was already eighteen. I am rather small with a size of 1.60 m and have a huge bosom. At that time I wore my hair, as already mentioned, in the form of a punk hairstyle with safety pins in ...

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