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Still Waters Run Deepthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 3025 words)

Author: Gypsey
Added: May 21 2000Views / Reads: 1375 / 982 [71%]Story vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
Kate and Travis were thrown together in a situation beyond their control, but what happened after that was under their control.......or was it?

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The tired and weary firemen and one woman climbed out of the fire tenders,. They had been fighting a raging factory fire for the past six hours, and the exhaustion was etched on the black sootened faces of each one of them.

"Alright people, we have an hour before we have to be at the Fireman's Ball, lets get to it" shouted Captain Le Roux as he walked away.

"Hey Cap, how are we all going to manage to shower and get ready, if there is only one shower stall operational, and Kate always gets to be the only one to use the main bathroom? Just because she is the only woman here at the station, she seems to get all the luxuries. There are both a bath and shower in the bathroom, so one of them is going to waste" complained Randall.

"Hey Randall, quit whining. You aren't man enough to share the bathroom with me!"

Kate spoke up for the first time and the men around her laughed. Within two weeks of joining the fire department, she had learned to fight these men on their own territory, until they accepted her as one of them. Now she smashed their fragile egos with amazing ease. She had become a challenge to them, this beautiful, aloof woman who belonged on ...

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