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Free-Range Fuckingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:anal sex, 4868 words)

Author: NoSayQuien Picture in profile
Added: Nov 10 2019Views / Reads: 2077 / 1684 [81%]Story vote: 9.53 (15 votes)
Tammy loves it up the butt. She calls me, "Virginia Vanilla." I do, too!

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"After you have been really fucked up the ass, by someone who knows how to do it, you won't be able to take a normal shit for a week." That's what my friend Tammy told me, just a few weeks ago. And Tammy definitely should know!

I love Tammy. She has been my best friend since high school, but Tammy is nothing if not a full-on slut. She's married, but that doesn't stop her from fucking around on her husband all the time. Her husband, Tom, is actually quite a nice guy, too, but he is apparently oblivious. This isn't some kind of open marriage deal. Tammy just fucks men whenever she gets a yearning. And that turns out to be quite often! "Little Tommy" or "good little boy Tommy," as Tammy sometimes calls her husband, doesn't have a fucking clue about his wife.

If I ever express something like a horrified surprise at some new revelation, and if I ask her how she can keep doing this to Tom, Tammy will tell me: "Oh, don't act so surprised, baby girl. You know I'm a free-range fucker!"

She certainly, fucking, is! Tammy made that comment to me, about "free-range fucking," just about three months ago, after disclosing that she is now fucking her husband's boss. The boss is younger than Tammy, and he has "a really big cock," according to the way Tammy tells it. I have no reason to doubt it, either. I'll take her word. Husband Tom is now being sent out of town on a regular basis, and he has been ...

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