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Airtight…5> Taken at the resort!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 6640 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Dec 05 2019Views / Reads: 2274 / 1876 [82%]Story vote: 9.50 (10 votes)
Whereas Glenda had come on holiday for sun, sea and sex, her companion, Tammy, wasn’t that fussed. Being a cougar, she had all the cock she wanted back home, and so she simply soaked up the sun and did the odd sightseeing.

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Story outline: Whereas Glenda had come on holiday for sun, sea and sex, her companion, Tammy, wasn't that fussed. Being a cougar, she had all the cock she wanted back home, and so she simply soaked up the sun and did the odd sightseeing.

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"What about him, he looks like he could rock your world, Tammy?" Glenda suggested, indicating a tall white skinned man in his 20's, with hardly any tan on his body.

"What?" she muttered, aloud, briefly looking up from her e-reader as she took another sip of sangria through a straw.

"You are joking, right!" she exclaimed, having barely bothered to look.

"I thought you came on holiday to get laid, you know, the old in out," Glenda said while thrusting her hips back and forth, suggestively.

"No, that was you, remember. I came on holiday for the sun, the ocean and some sightseeing. I can get all the cock I need back home," Tammy said, dismissively, and returned to her book, a collection of erotic holiday stories by Chris Thomlinson entitled: ‘Sun, Sea, Sand and SEX!'


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